Sue Fulmore

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Five Minute Friday Post

What is Five Minute Friday?  It is a community of writers who, on Fridays, write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. 


This week’s word is BACK


Looking forward, anticipating, trying to discern the next thing is my default way of thinking.  I have often avoided the past, afraid of what it might bring up, what I may have to face, the regrets that may coming rushing in.  And yet I recognize how valuable looking back can be. 


This week I was speaking with a friend who asked about my journey, specifically how I have heard from God in the recent past.  As we talked and I recounted the ways I have been led through the myriad ways that God speaks to us, that is if we are listening, I realized just how rich the experiences have been.  I have heard the gentle prompting of God in ways that are specifically designed for me.  He knows my talents and temperament and He doesn’t lead in ways that go against those but rather instructs me is ways that bring value to who I am. 


Similar to the ways that God instructs the Israelites to proclaim to the next generation the works that they have seen, I need to keep rehearsing all that God has done in the past.  It is important that I look back and to see His provision, His leading, and to see how far I have come as a result. 


In feeling the absence of His voice today, it is in looking back that I can relax with the assurance that He has spoken in the past and will do so again in the future.  His silence during this time is not a sign of His disapproval or abandonment.  Rather it is an opportunity for faith to grow as I continue to move forward even without the voice of my Father, trusting that He is still present and leading. 


Do you find value in looking back?